Most of the top news stories in the Arkansas tennis community are the reporting of stellar results by winning teams and individuals. However, the tennis teams that produce the worst results do not get any attention in the press. In honor to these individuals and teams, a Biggest Loser Category has been compiled of the teams/individuals who finished last in their divisions.
The 2010 Winners of the Biggest Loser Award for their division are listed below:
Men's 5.0 Record(0-8)
AR-B/Lyon /Conway captained by Jason Lyon
Team members include Jason Lyon, Kyle Garretson, Chris R. Dussourd, G Barry Brady, Robert Allen Cain, Adam R. Brown.
Women's 4.5 Record(1-8)
Cain/Cain/Little Rock(LRAC) captained by Robert Cain/Andrea Cain
Team members include Andrea Cain, Terri S. Simpson, Lauren Valecillos, Kelli Sanders, Jossie Elizabeth Smith, Stephanie Monet Forte, Tracy McClure, Karen A Henry, Debbie Morrison, Leslie King-Gillispie, Carol L. Mugerditchian, Shuree Shurell Pruitt.
Men's 4.5 Record(0-8)
Robinson/LR(LRRC) captained by Danny Robinson
Team members include Danny Robinson, Fred C. Lord, Robin F. Frazier, Evan Olsen, John Michael Christopher, Mark A. Brown, John Hurst, Tim Bichlmeier, James Richard Olson, Kyle M. Hatfield, Jeff Toliver, Bob Worthington, Duwayne Anderson.
Women's 4.0 Record(0-13)
Cross/Hazelwood/LR (Burns) captained by Irene Cross/Terri Hazelwood
Team members include Irene G. Cross, Brooke Hollis, Jill Madonia Frazier, Terri L. Hazelwood, Janet Ripling Moore, Michelle M. Hastings, Kara L. Ford, Kelly Thessing, Erica Eldridge, Mona Churchwell, Vonda J. Stokes, Cherie Annette Swain, Melanie A. Harder, Sherry M. Stokes, Marnie Dabroski.
Men's 4.0 Record(1-6)
Boland/N. Little Rock(Burns) captained by Dan Boland
Team members include Daniel D. Boland, John Bakalekos, Kyle A. Clem, Joe E. Keeling, Johnny E. Hibbs, Craig Knox, John W. Andrews, Byron D. Curtner, Charlie Kinser, Roger Zifer, Michael W. Loftis, James A. Harris, Alan L. Reese, Doug Lickert, Robert R. Bearden, Francis Lee Hartz.
Women's 3.5- Group 1 Record(1-7)
Mascuilli/N. Little Rock(burns) captained by Kathy Mascuilli
Team members include Kathy L. Mascuilli, Emily C. Andrews-Clark, Crystal Phelps, Mae Abrams, Peggy Healy, Barbara A. Barron, Fumiko Collins, Joy R. Blankenship, Saba Koja, Melissa Cole, Janice Helen Carter, Anna Jeter.
Women's 3.5- Group 2 Record(0-8)
Magee/little rock(LRAC) captained by Kim Magee
Team members include Joely Costello, Kimberly Moros, Samantha R. Crawford, Kirsten Dickins, Amanda Duch Moore, Wendy Y. Lynch, Anne Fulgham Gill, Meritt Harrison, Melissa Bridges, Wendy L. Angel, Robin Lee Frazier, Missy Tanner, Cindy A. Goodwin.
Men's 3.5 Record(0-6)
Baker/Little Rock/OC captained by Marty Baker
Team members include Marty Baker, Danny Needham, Jeffery L. Dunn, Guilford Marion Dudley, Jerald N. Todd, Richard Patrick Cole, Chuck Seel, Carl Brown, David W. Sterling, Sidney Wood, Mike Dodson, Derek K. Jennings.
Women's 3.0- Group 1 Record(1-6)
Winston/Hot Springs(HSHF) captained by Laura Winston
Team members include Laura Winston, Heather Denae Palczynski, Amy Allison Porter, Shanda Elizabeth Nation, Lynette Renee Howell, SHADDA TAPP, Patricia Lynn Young, Linda S. Parker, Lana Thompson Wann, Margaret Signorelli.
Women's 3.0- Group 2 Record(0-7)
Sterka/Conway captained by Sheila Sterka
Team members include Sheila Sterka, Hope Guidry, Marilynn Nabholz, Betsy McClendon, Elizabeth B Spivey, Gloria D. Ward, Alysanne Crymes, Jamie P. Pollard, Danielle Warren, Brandie Martin, Lisa Renee Lollar, Penny Vaught.
Men's 3.0 Record(1-5)
McWilliams/Little Rock(OC) captained by Matthew Jordan McWilliams
Team members include Tim Jernigan, Chuck E. Brown, Jason Reddick Jones, Matthew Jordan McWilliams, Barry Williams, Troy A Stephens, Tim W. Vaughan, Drew Baltzley, Bob Butler, Valeriy Lyzogubov, Paul D. Kroger, Chadley Dean Uekman.
Women's 2.5 Record(0-8)
Battisto/Little Rock(Burns) captained by Cindy Battisto
Team members include Susan Kay Goff, Laura E McKinney, Michelle Lee Crafton, Casey S Moseley, Angela Carole Johnson-Grimmett , Laura Arrington Shafer, Kimble Latrice Talley, Cindy L Battisto.