Zachary Humphries of Maumelle and Thea Hale Rice of Hot Springs achieved the highest ranking among Arkansas Junior Tennis players in the 2010 Year-End Southern Junior Rankings. Humphries reached #4 in the Southern Boy's 10s division, and Rice ranked #5 in the Girl's 10s division. Below is a list of the Top-200 ranked Arkansas Juniors in the Southern Section of the USTA.
Boy's 10s
Rank Name City State Points
4 Humphries, Zachary Maumelle AR 1780
8 Chakka, Anil Little Rock AR 1559
19 Wood, Andrew White Hall AR 1184
35 Lupinek, Brandon D North Little Rock AR 881
37 Barnett, Wesley Little Rock AR 873
66 Johnson, Conner Nicklaus Hot Springs AR 544
81 Lundstrum, Isaac Lee Fayetteville AR 463
89 Rogers, Foster Harrison Little Rock AR 442
106 Schach, Quinn Fayetteville AR 380
109 Frey, Maximilian Y. Texarkana AR 370
159 Light, Scott Jonesboro AR 246
189 Copeland, Chase Jonesboro AR 187
193 Richardson, Eric Jonesboro AR 180
Boy's 12s
Rank Name City State Points
10 Mendelsohn, Maxwell Lawrence Little Rock AR 2897
73 Ney, Marshall Smith Rogers AR 1365
80 Chakka, Anil Little Rock AR 1260
87 Hill, Jack Henry Hot Springs AR 1157
91 Kauffman, Spencer Hot Springs AR 1147
98 Humphries, Zachary Maumelle AR 1112
102 Simpson, Jef Jonesboro AR 1088
108 Clark, Griffin Rogers AR 1036
117 Harrison, Hunter Matthew Little Rock AR 935
127 Chikkala, Srikar Bentonville AR 827
136 McKee, Davis Jonesboro AR 751
142 Mitchell, Mason Ray Jonesboro AR 699
171 MacKey, Connor Jonesboro AR 561
177 Joshuva, Richard Bentonville AR 535
Boy's 14s
Rank Name City State Points
7 Jacoby, Jake Little Rock AR 3018
56 Mathis, Christian K. Mountain Home AR 1633
58 Talbert, Matt Hot Springs AR 1546
61 Deluca, Dylan Joseph Bentonville AR 1515
113 Brandon, Trent Little Rock AR 922
125 Chakka, Kiran Little Rock AR 823
190 Morse, Michael M. Rogers AR 549
Boy's 16s
Rank Name City State Points
57 Olaya, Julio R. Little Rock AR 1750
75 Cramer, Taylor Texarkana TX 1522(pictured right)
96 Jacoby, Jake Little Rock AR 1206
118 Churchill, David Reed Fayetteville AR 996
121 Guy, Cole Chapman Pine Bluff AR 980
124 Sheppard, Jordan Bentonville AR 952
159 Henry, Kyle Fayetteville AR 712
161 Shah, Varun Bentonville AR 702
183 McCollough, Matt Cabot AR 625
187 Terrell, Branch Little Rock AR 610
Boy's 18s
Rank Name City State Points
36 Martinez, Mario Maumelle AR 2123
37 Hudelson, Ryan Little Rock AR 2101
45 Adams, Grant Texarkana TX 1961
92 Campbell, William B. Little Rock AR 1282
117 Rowden, Jon Mark Greenbrier AR 1034
157 Hodous, Robert T. Fayetteville AR 778
176 Crawford, Austin Maumelle AR 680
177 McReynolds, Caleb M. Bella Vista AR 668
Girl's 10s
Rank Name City State Points
5 Rice, Thea Hale Hot Springs AR 1864
17 McKee, Maddie Jonesboro AR 1064
23 Hafner, Cameron Jonesboro AR 901
31 Doshier, Claire Harrison AR 824
43 Roper, Hunter Jonesboro AR 730
104 lucas, margaret porter LITTLE ROCK AR 331
105 Magness, Anna L Fort Smith AR 330
114 Allen, Eva North Little Rock AR 312
128 Worsham, Shelby Little Rock AR 265
132 Loflin, Ally L. Jonesboro AR 252
Girl's 12s
Rank Name City State Points
12 Rice, Tatum Brooke Hot Springs AR 2902
57 Rice, Thea Hale Hot Springs AR 1603
70 McAlexander, Morgan R. Jonesboro AR 1387
80 McAlexander, Bailey D. Jonesboro AR 1232
98 Baker, Emma MeiYuan Bentonville AR 1004
117 Ward, Kami Rave Hot Springs AR 791
141 Gamberini, Hannah Hot Springs AR 644
157 Pressley, Madelyn Claire Fort Smith AR 582
188 LaFrance, Katie Perdue Little Rock AR 438
190 Shah, Kruti Bentonville AR 435
196 Clemmons, Polly Hot Springs AR 415
Girl's 14s
Rank Name City State Points
12 Tang, Tiffany Rogers AR 3102
25 Carr, Jacqueline Ariana Bentonville AR 2297
39 Jackson, Katelyn Roland AR 1972
41 Metcalf, Emily Ann Jonesboro AR 1938
43 Tarwater, Annie Texarkana TX 1875
99 Darter, Alye Rogers AR 1201
107 Beaver, Alexis Fayetteville AR 1146
110 Lanier, Laura Little Rock AR 1140
156 Tang, Katherine Rogers AR 746
160 Edwards, Kayley S. Fort Smith AR 715
179 Glendenning, Rachel Lake Hamilton AR 640
181 Flynn, Teah Lorraine Farmington AR 638
Girl's 16s
Rank Name City State Points
32 Wright, Mary Hot Springs AR 2462
146 Randolph, Trinity Little Rock AR 923
157 Beetstra, Margaret A. Little Rock AR 869
174 Swanson, Kelly M. Little Rock AR 789
176 Tang, Tiffany Rogers AR 780
192 Pearce, Lindsy Fort Smith AR 706
Girl's 18s
Rank Name City State Points
12 Ray, Kaitlin M. Little Rock AR 2815
52 Liles, Lindsey Little Rock AR 1792
101 Brandon, Darby Little Rock AR 1315
130 Rowden, Ali Greenbrier AR 1049
162 Andersen, Amy Rogers AR 731
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