Desperate for cash, Mayor Tab Townsell and other city council members including David Grimes, Shelley Mehl, Mary Smith, and Shelia Whitmore (whose office terms end December 2014) raided the Sanitation Department cash funds to balance the city's checkbook. Note: The Sanitation Department has always acted responsibly with its budget to have this much money in its account for equipment needs and expansion needs for the landfill.
Needing to shore up the account deficit at the Sanitation Department now created by the Conway City Council members, Mayor Townsell and council members devised a plan to raise the sanitation fees nearly 40% in order to reimburse the shortfall that they created in the Sanitation Department. Townsell and Sanitation Director Cheryl Harrington went before the public and declared that the Sanitation Department needed this rate increase for aging equipment and higher expenses when in reality it needed money due to the mismanagement of city finances by Townsell and council members.
Director Cheryl Harrington stated, "Garbage Trucks need to be replaced every 5 years", quote from the Log Cabin Democrat. However, according to recent statistics from the American Recycler- garbage trucks on average are replaced after 12 years and expenses are falling due to municipalities converting their trucks to natural gas which Conway is implementing. In other words, THERE WAS NO NEED TO INCREASE SANITATION FEES!!!
Mayor Tab Townsell's patterns of lies and deceptions finally reached epic proportions and were exposed when reading an excerpt from the Faulkner County Business Journal...........
From the article you can see that the needs of the Sanitation Department have already been met from the 1/8 cent portion of the Rededication of the 1/4 cent sales tax and Townsell specifically stated that there would be "NO NEW TAXES".
As more and more people retrace the statements made by Townsell, they will recognize that Mayor Tab Townsell may go down in history as the "Biggest Liar in Faulkner County Politics", maybe even surpassing Guy "Mutt" Jones!!!
(Note: As the taxpayers and ratepayers were being gouged by Tab Townsell and Cheryl Harrington, Townsell and Harrington gave themselves a hefty pay increase with Tab Townsell's salary increasing 30% to $102,339 and Cheryl Harrington's salary increasing 20% to $79,337. It looks like Townsell and Harrington are more concerned with lining their own pockets than keeping more money in the pockets of the citizens of Conway.)
Faulkner County Business Journal
American Recycler
Debra Hale-Shelton of Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Joe Lamb- Log Cabin Democrat
Director Cheryl Harrington stated, "Garbage Trucks need to be replaced every 5 years", quote from the Log Cabin Democrat. However, according to recent statistics from the American Recycler- garbage trucks on average are replaced after 12 years and expenses are falling due to municipalities converting their trucks to natural gas which Conway is implementing. In other words, THERE WAS NO NEED TO INCREASE SANITATION FEES!!!
Mayor Tab Townsell's patterns of lies and deceptions finally reached epic proportions and were exposed when reading an excerpt from the Faulkner County Business Journal...........
From the article you can see that the needs of the Sanitation Department have already been met from the 1/8 cent portion of the Rededication of the 1/4 cent sales tax and Townsell specifically stated that there would be "NO NEW TAXES".
As more and more people retrace the statements made by Townsell, they will recognize that Mayor Tab Townsell may go down in history as the "Biggest Liar in Faulkner County Politics", maybe even surpassing Guy "Mutt" Jones!!!
(Note: As the taxpayers and ratepayers were being gouged by Tab Townsell and Cheryl Harrington, Townsell and Harrington gave themselves a hefty pay increase with Tab Townsell's salary increasing 30% to $102,339 and Cheryl Harrington's salary increasing 20% to $79,337. It looks like Townsell and Harrington are more concerned with lining their own pockets than keeping more money in the pockets of the citizens of Conway.)
Faulkner County Business Journal
American Recycler
Debra Hale-Shelton of Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Joe Lamb- Log Cabin Democrat
Vote for Change in City Management This Election Season
Political Ad Paid for by: Citizens for Responsible Govt
Guys, you ought to check your laws about government malfeasance in your state, jurisdictions differ greatly over whether intent or knowledge is necessary for a malfeasance case against your mayor in deceiving the public. Many courts will find malfeasance in office where there is "ignorance, inattention, or malice", which implies no intent or knowledge is required. You guys could bring a criminal case against this Townsell character for this abuse of his position. Check with your state legislature! Good Luck!!!
This could be the fall of Mayor Tab Townsell....rumors are swirling that his wife is divorcing him because he was caught in bed with a man. Google searches are showing immediately "Tab Townsell gay" and "Tab Townsell divorce".
This erratic behavior and abuse of office with your mayor is similar to the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. Soon he will be caught snorting cocaine like Ford did or caught at a wild party like one of your gay weathermen threw at his house that caused a scandal in the community!
ur problem over there in conway is the lack of credible information distributed to the citizens. the only info that the public receives is directly from the chamber of commerce promoting some of the city council's agenda which might not be in the best interest of the taxpayer. ur newspaper, the log cabin democrat is not a credible source because it receives promotion materials from the chamber, too. the newspaper does not have an independent voice since it is intimidated by its paying customers, mainly the city and its chamber!!1
In addition to working the angle of malfeasence against Townsell thru the legislature audit committees and such, you need to check with organizations like the Public Service Commission that regulate utilities. There are guidelines to follow on the rate hike in the sanitation fees and the literature that Conway Corp sent out could have been misleading, too. The city might have to refund rate payers and pay penalties.
The Conway citizens could possibly start a class-action lawsuit over this blatant misuse of public trust. They deserve better treatment as rate payers.
This will not be the first time that Mayor Tab Townsell got thr city of Conway in a lawsuit. Do you remember when the firrmen and policemen sued the city of wage increases due them from the 0.25% sales tax increase?
Conway Sanitation converted its fleet of refuse trucks to CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), resulting in cash savings and NOT AN INCREASE IN EXPENSES. Quote Phoenix, AZ mayor ftom the American Recycler- “Once our fleet is fully converted to CNG, the city will save almost $2 million annually,” said Mayor Stanton. “Lower fuel prices minimize future fee increases for trash and recycling collection....." The Conway residents were lied to by their mayor, Tab Townsell. I believe you finally trapped him in his web of lies on this issue.
Conway Corp does the billing and collection for the city's sanitation department. See if you can find that literature distributed for the city on this bogus rate increase. Just, curious how it reads!
Conway's mayor and city council are a bunch of screwups....look they paid $130,000 for an artificial Christmas tree. That ought to tell you enough right there! On top of that, these city officials were to ignorant to define the responsibilities of each party in the transaction. The city did not know that they were responsible to dismantle this tree that had problems working correctly thru the holiday season.
the saddest part of these catastrophes that townsell creates- city budget crises, bogus sanitation rate increase, $133,000 Not-working-properly and Extremely-overpriced Christmas tree is that the city council members went along with each one of townsell's disasters. If you met these council people in public, you would think what a fine person they were. But you don't really know an individual until they take a stand on issues. It is obvious that david grimes, mary smith, shelia whitmore, and shelley mehl are big spending liberals like your townsell is with no regard to how their constituents, the taxpayers, feel. this bunch does not have a backbone to take a stand for the paying public and do not deserve or know how to be a public servant!
Hey guys,
Townsell is scammimg the public again thru the recent press release to the Log Cabin Democrat about his recent travel and expenses to D.C. You guys have hit the nail on the head about Townsell manipulating the public with his lies to the press via the Log Cabin paper...... Townsell used Brad Lacy at the Conway Chamber of Commerce to notify the public about of how the travel expenses are paid...... Lacy says the chamber is picking up the tab for TAB Townsell..... You know why the city had to cut its travel budget?...... Tab screwed up the city's budget!!!.....If the citizens of Conway are not picking up the tab thru the city's budget, then aren't the Conway citizens picking up the tab thru the chamber..... The chamber gets its funds from the citizens also!!!....I have lost all respect for Brad Lacy, CEO of the COnway Chamber and Conway Development for joining with these scams of Townsell by trying to manipulate public opinion with false information
you might have something there since russ harding runs crews & assoc and is a biz partner of conway's hal crafton
Here are some lies presented by Mayor Tab Townsell and Sanitation Director- "Garbage Trucks need to be replaced every 5 years", quote from the Log Cabin Democrat. On average garbage trucks are replaced after 12 years under fact sheet below:
(1)An estimated 136,000 garbage trucks, 12,000 transfer vehicles, and 31,000 dedicated recycling vehicles haul away America’s garbage (179,000 vehicles in total).
(2)Two-thirds of the estimated 700 natural gas garbage trucks in operation in the US operate on liquid natural gas, while the rest use compressed natural gas.
(3)An average garbage truck travels 25,000 miles annually, gets less than 3 miles per gallon, and uses approximately 8,600 gallons of fuel each year.
(4)The average garbage truck costs over $170,000 and is not retired for 12 years.
so cheryl harrington, the sanitation director was coerced into lying for tab townsell on these figures
Wow, they should both lose their jobs over this!!!
i hope someone investigates this thoroughly where they check the emails between townsell and harrington leading up to the rate increase
Brad Lacy just sent out another press release to the Log Cabin Democrat...."Mayor Tab Townsell is headed to crap in the toilet, but it is not on the city's time clock because the chamber is paying for that time for him to do his business."
I am tired of that Brad Lacy, too. He wastes chamber time covering Townsell's rearend. He ought to be promoting the Conway to future businesses than crafting little press releases to make Townsell or himself look better in the eyes of the public!!!
Brad Lacy, head of the Conway Chamber of Commerce, is a self promoter more than you think. He wastes a lot of chamber time trying to color his image and pad his resume by sending out press releases to the Log Cabin Democrat. Before Lacy took over the chamber, Jan Spann ran the chamber around'06 and her office was called executive director which most top employees of non-profits are called. When Lacy took over the top position, he renamed his position to "CEO" instead of the normal term "Executive Director"in order to make himself sound important. More will come out about the deceptive practices of both Townsell and Lacy and how they use the little town paper to manipulative public opinion with lies. I think that something is wrong with a person's character when he/she lies to create a false persona.
It looks like Crews & Associates aka First Security has been busy in the community of Conway with financing projects with bonds-(1)Crews & Associates issued Conway Public Schools a combined $44 million bond for the construction of the new Conway High School-West classroom building and Carolyn Lewis Elementary.
(2) Public reports indicate that First Security Bank provided a total of approximately $9 million to Central Baptist College for financing, including its new academic building.
(3)At the University of Central Arkansas, Crews & Associates is underwriting the $10 million bond for a five-story residence hall and skyboxes overlooking First Security Field at Estes Stadium. In addition, First Security Bank issued a $5.5 million loan for a new weight room facility at UCA.
Down here at City Hall, we have noticed that Mayor Townsell has been taking longer time in the bathroom since Conway Chamber CEO Brad Lacy announced that the chamber was picking up the tab for the time that Townsell spent on his potty breaks.
Your problems in Conway are easy to solve and are basically two-fold.....
(1)The ease of public financing thru bond underwriting;
(2)Lying politicians
We will discuss the later first since it is easier to understand. Statistics show that people on average lie every 10 minutes. So if someone can keep their mouth shut, then they can overcome this problem. But beware of them that talk non-stop because they usually are raising the statistical data on the lying side. Politicians feel this need to impress, promote, persuade, and deceive in order to achieve their goals, and as a whole lie a lot of the time.Thus, Choose a politician that speaks carefully and Remember to beware of them that Talk Non-Stop.
(2)Public finance is used to speed up public projects- National, State, and Municipal. Instead of your city saving its money until the money is in the bank to fund a public project. The city can issue bonds with the promise to pay, have the funds on hand immediately, start the project, and pay back the bondholders thru city revenue and taxes. However, with easy access to bond money, your city can have too many projects and bonds to pay; thereby creating a cash crisis.
Conway experienced this CASH CRISIS listed in this article and the mayor is lying to cover his butt. The Mayor Townsell has too many projects and too many bond debt instruments outstanding. Your mayor is either addicted to projects and spending public debt or he is steering business to a finance company whether it is Crews & Assoc (First Security Bank) or your local Home Bancshares Group. Your community has connections to both, Johnny Adams/Russ Harding at First Security or Allison at Centennial.
To reach a Conclusion to end theses two problems- (1) Hold Townsell accountable to each promise and word he speaks and point out each lie that comes out of his mouth (2) Issue a FOI (Freedom of Information) on the city's bond portfolio and take the portfolio to an independent bond underwriting company like Stephens Inc to see if Townsell or the Financiers in your community are on the take. Good Luck!
The citizens of Conway need to also check on the contractors that are awarded the work for the public projects. Townsell's family were construction contractors and there might be illegal transactions between the city and its contractors. Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was found guilty on 20 of 21 charges on bribes and kickbacks from contractors.
seems an easy solution is developing for y'all in conway- issue foi for bond business, contractors paid, bidded contracts....follow the money
This article seems to be building steam thru your regular posters. I still remember the glory days when you and other posters had the executive director of a nonprofit removed and the new director's pay reduced. I would like to see this story grow until the state police are called in and start hauling out documents at city hall similar to the UCA corruption scandal in which the state police appeared on their campus. Right now we need people to give a name to this scandal- Trashgate, Tabbygate, Sanitationgate, Garbagegate, something catchy.
i am not real sure but someone might know but the cash reserve crisis was serious in that the bond ratings for conway would be downgraded if the city didn't show more cash reserves. when the cash reserve crisis hit, townsell and city council raided the sanitation funds and moved the funds to cash reserve status. then, townsell etal loaned the funds back to the sanitation department for 5 years since sanitation needed operating funds. townsell etal were desperate in this crisis stage and it shows because the '13 year end budget showed no increase in cash reserves after paying the city bills. desperation creates lying and thus the lies on this sanitation rate increase.
This is how grotesquely bad Townsell's lying has gotten.... He lied in the Faulkner County Business Journal article that catches him lying in public about the sanitation rate increase. He uses the same spiel when trying to increase people's taxes & fees saying that the additional fees/taxes are going to this or that. He can't keep up with the number of lies because the lies flow continuously....But getting back to the Faulkner County Business Journal article, the Sanitation Department usually can pay its bills in its department and generate revenue in excess or sanitation wouldn't have had the funds that the mayor and council raided. Thus, Townsell's spiel about the 1/8 cent portion going for sanitation equipment was a big fat lie because sanitation department usually pay their own way.......To: Moderator, your commenters are very intelligent and come from diverse backgrounds in industry and I hope someone can clarify this even more like a former mayor or such.
tab townsell is not an expert in public administration and doesn't have a degree in that area of expertise....... he speaks in public, not even very good at that, and doesn't have a clue about what he is talking about...... so you get this same verbal jumble with a bunch of lies thrown in..... look the city finances are upside down and its obvious he doesn't know anything about budget forecasting and public administration...... it's too difficult of a topic....... send him back to UCA and give him some remedial classes!!!!
I can't think of what Tab would be good at. He is definitely misplaced in public administration with all of the city crises. He came from the construction industry but that area might be too masculine for him. He's not smart enough to go to law school and it showed when he failed in defining the city's responsibility in taking down the Christmas tree at Roger's Plaza in downtown Conway. Any suggestions?
I can't imagine seeing Tab prissing around at a construction site wearing his little bowtie either.
It tells a lot about Tab in that he was born Bobby Tab Townsell and he chose to go by Tab. He will probably become one of those transgender characters and start going by the name, "Tabitha Townsell".
Tab(or Tabitha) Townsell probably won't make a foray into the television arena and get in front of the cameras. He feels inferior about his smile so he draws his upper lip down when he grins to hide his chicklet-shaped teeth.
Moderator, we appreciate you opening up this forum to discuss the corruption in our city government. My only gripe is that why didn't David Crow with the Faulkner County Tea Party take a stand for the taxpayers and ratepayers on these issues. His wife Janet is the only person out in public on tough issues. Either Crow doesn't understand and comprehend the weaving of lies that were pointed out in this article or he is a Big Wuss to take a stand. Someone needs to wake him up or something because this is his job to do. I think he might get paid a little instead of volunteer his efforts. The Koch brothers finance a lot of the tea party causes thru the organization Americans for Prosperity.
Guys, The moderator has a former mayor logging on to discuss the lies and deceptions in regards to the sanitation issues. Not sure, but an Arkansas Securities Department employee will make available the data on the past and present bond indebtedness of Conway and the county. This could get exciting!!!
Most cities don't desperately need to write a bond to make a purchases like Tabby does with Conway's budget!
I am curious to see the sales agent and supervisor involved in the bond transactions, too.
once they dig through the bond area, then they can follow the money flow out of these bond monies to various entities
The lying crook has got to have made a misstep similar to his lies that we can send in the state police to raid his office.
I wish Townsell, the lying crook, would just finish the job he started when he brought College Ave into Harkrider Street. There is a stoplight needed so that you can turn left onto Harkrider from College. I guess the jerk has never driven that route to see the need for it. He needs to get off his butt and check these things out!!!
I am from the country of India and moved into Conway for a new job situation. I work long, stressful hours. To relax and have some fun during my recreational time, my family and friends enjoy playing tennis. Looking around town, I found the city parks tennis courts. Why on earth can't the city afford to maintain the tennis courts? There are cracks in them. The courts need to be resurfaced immediately before an accident happens.
The present mayor, Tab Townsell, screwed up the budget so severely that he can't even budget money to maintain the city's tennis facilities. Townsell has been a poor manager of the taxpayer's money and possibly the worst steward of the city finances in the history of Conway. He has a long history of lying and cheating in both the business and personal sides of his life. The creation of blogs to report on politicians is starting to bring these issues into public view since print media have smaller budgets and less funds to pay for quality reporting. The corruption of former Arkansas Lt. Gov. Mark Darr was first reported in a blog before the newspapers started reporting on his deceitfulness. Very similar to this blog and a few others are the first to report on the deceitfulness of Mayor Tab Townsell. Please fell free to drop us a note of any other problems that you see in Conway and we will gladly post it for you. Have a Nice Day!
Wuz up, guys
I have been off the computer for a month, busy with work and stuff. I've been catching up on some reading and noticed that y'all have found another fraud in this townsell character. Great job exposing the dude's true character(Excuse me...I mean her true character)!!!I'll spread the news too some buds that like tearing into some carcass, too.
The gossip is that townsell has a boyfriend at the chamber of commerce.
Yeah...sorry creature!!! He made a baby with a nice girl. Now, it won't be long that the kid will google his name and see how creepy he is!
The Conway Chamber boyfriend must be an in-the-closet type that we've seen a lot of- sings in the choir, momma boy, trying to fake it, never a girlfriend, totally in hiding with his private life. No Facebook pics of girls in his life.
i'll pass around the story to the posse and we'll get back with you on "the plan". email me next week.
More emails have been coming in on this homosexuality issue and here is the scoop. If this story can spread, then someone will spy it out on the web, will elaborate and give their personal story....Here it goes- some gay professors moved into the area teaching at UCA and pursued high school and college males. The product of their behavior is now recreated in some of these characters that you are dealing with now.....Once these characters are googled, then other people will find it on the web and tell the full story.
It looks like the Duck Dynasty followers are commenting frequently that took up for Phil Robertson and his comments that were skewed in GQ magazine. Liberals hate conservative bloggers since it is media that they can't control.
just talked to the moderator and he said that this story is so huge that it could split into both exposing government corruption and gay pedophiles. so far nothing from the catholic church in town, but trysts at cadron settlement park, uca professors, and choir leaders mainly at the baptist church. stay tuned...
I am an over 70 yr old housewife and have lived in the Conway area most of my adult years. My husband has fooled around on me most of my life, not with other women, but men. I have covered it up for years and stayed in my so-called phony marriage for our children. Now since I am older, I regret not coming forward and taking a stand against my husband's wicked ways because I feel like I could have helped other women in the same situation as mine. We grieve silently about our situation. There are even prominent families in our community that deal with this grievous situation from professors to architectural designers. I am sure that this story will reach others in our community and help others.
My husband embarrassed me numerous times with his homosexual ways. He was caught by the police at Cadron Settlement Park with other men. I threw up for days on end. I am older now also, but I hope this younger generation of women have more backbone than my generation and stand up for what is right never wavering.
Earlier today,the students at UCA grilled President Tom Courtway about the creation of a new position given to former Conway Chamber employee T.J.Johnston. The students asked,“Are we a state institution or are we part of the Conway [Area] Chamber of Commerce?” This is the second time that Courtway has created a new position and didn't take employment applications and gave the new position to a friend instead of advertising the position in finding the best and the brightest. Courtway also created a new position for Gilbert Baker without advertising it. The students are catching on to the corruption in the Conway politics that is influencing the university link to view students' questions to Courtway-
People are commenting that Townsell is heading to DC again and are wondering who is picking up the tab?
I hear that Tab Townsell has been looking for a job since his reputation is shot in Conway. He might be illegally using the chamber to pay for his expenses by acting like these trips are for city of Conway business.
Townsell is groping for straws in finding a position thru the Democratic Party. Where else can he scramble to for help? He is GAY and LIBERAL!!! He has to run to the DEMS for a job. Townsell is desperately groping for a new job because his groping of other mens' rearends has got him in big trouble careerwise!
Yeah, most politicians get caught groping their cute, hot secretaries. Not Tab Townsell, he is out groping FAT BUTTS of other men!!! HE IS GROSS!!!
I found this on the web and my first thought was "Isn't America Great?" In China and other places on earth, you wouldn't be allowed to voice your criticism of politicians. I hope more people will give their opinion on this Mayor Townsell. Usually there is a silent majority that remains in the background on an issue. Great job on producing factual data with sources of info on the bogus sanitation rate increase! I am sure y'all are enjoying the GOTCHA on this topic. People ought to realize that Sanitation Director Cheryl Harrington was a BIG LIAR, too.
i wish someone would post an ad showing townsell supporting gay marriage. the only weddings recorded in the bible were between a man and a woman. that means townsell is against bible beliefs. he brought the gay pride parade into town to thumb his nose to the churches. townsell has patterned his life totally opposite biblical teachings with his lying, gay support, and drunken ways.
Tab Townsell could move to Eureka Springs and become mayor. I believe he could get a lot of gay support there. The budget of that size town would he easier math for him- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.....
Heard he showed up at Conway Country Club last summer in speedo & tipsy. Then joined in game of Marco pollo with 10 year old kids!
Guys, you have Townsell feeling inferior about his name....Bobby Tab Townsell changed his "hick sounding" birth name to Robert Tab Townsell in order to sound more professional. What will he do to his "hick sounding" vocabulary where his sentences do not have the subject and verb agreeing or wrong tenses?
I have been trying to find someone who will listen to the problem of mis-use of city tax dollars for several years now. No one seems to know who I should talk to in order to fix the problem. I talked with the Public Service Commission about them charging a franchise fee and tax on their own utilities and according to them they can pretty much do whatever they want to do since it is their utilities. I even sent an email to the attorney generals office about it and they said I should contact the Faulkner County Prosecuting Attorney to discuss this issue. With the only proof being what has been printed in the Log Cabin Democrat these leaves no options what so ever. A lawyer needs to address this for us but who has the money to hire a lawyer for something like this? As high is stuff in this town already is I can do well to pay my bills and put a little back in savings each month for that rainy day occurrence of taking my dog to the vet or getting my car worked on. We refinanced our home about 5 years ago so that by the time I turned 60 (4 years now) that our house would be paid for. When we refinanced for 10 years instead of 15 it only raised my payment by $100. $605 seemed like an easy amount for me to pay as my pay is higher than most in Conway. Little did I know that the Mayor would through a monkey wrench into those plans by raising property taxes, millage rates and any other tax he could think of to force my payment to raise to over $700 as of today. I went looking on the internet today to find out exactly the amount of raise that the mayor received but seems all the city pages dealing with that issue are out to lunch, keep getting error messages. The mayor used monies that were collected to served as a payment for someday when the landfill is closed, so monies would not have to come out of the blue to pay for it. What do we do now? I have contacted all the news media folks I can think of but no one will even call me back. I am at a loss as to what do to do next other than move.
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